
Containerized ApplicationĀ Setup K8s ClustersConfigurable Deployments in K8sMonitoring and Logging
Kubernetes provides a highly scalable infrastructure for deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications. We help our business costumers to implement Kubernetes so that they can scale their applications efficiently, easily handle increased workloads and accommodate future growth effortless. Also, our business costumers can embrace a more cloud-native approach, leverage the benefits of portability and flexibility, optimize resources, maximize the utilization of their infrastructure and eventually reduce infrastructure costs.
Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery

Working with Kubernetes can overcome complex cloud challenges.

Key benefits for which we advise our business clients on changing their old infrastructure and adopting Kubernetes
  1. Scalability
  2. Container Orchestration
  3. High Availability
  4. Fault Tolerance and Self-Healing
  5. Resource Efficiency
  6. Service Discovery and Load Balancing
  7. Rolling Updates and Rollbacks
  8. Ecosystem and Community Support
  9. Cloud-Native, Hybrid Cloud Support and Cloud Agnostic
  10. DevOps Enablement


Kubernetes was designed to handle large-scale deployments and can be easily used to scale your applications based on demand. It allows us to horizontally scale your services by adding or removing containers, ensuring optimal resource utilization.

Container Orchestration

By default, Kubernetes provides powerful container orchestration capabilities, allowing us to manage and automate the deployment, scaling, and operation of containers across a cluster of machines. It abstracts away the underlying infrastructure, making it easier to deploy and manage your applications.

High Availability

Kubernetes enables us to ensure high availability for your applications. We can automatically distribute containers across multiple nodes in a cluster. By monitoring the health of the containers, we will automatically restart or replace any faulty containers.

Fault Tolerance and Self-Healing

Kubernetes has built-in fault tolerance mechanisms that help in maintaining application availability. If a container or node fails, Kubernetes automatically reschedules and restarts the containers on healthy nodes, reducing downtime and improving overall system resilience.

Resource Efficiency

Kubernetes optimizes resource allocation by allowing us to define resource requirements and limits for containers. It ensures that containers have access to the necessary resources while preventing resource contention and enabling efficient utilization of your infrastructure.

Service Discovery and Load Balancing

Kubernetes provides a built-in service discovery mechanism that allows containers to easily find and communicate with each other within the cluster. It also offers load balancing capabilities to distribute incoming traffic across multiple containers, ensuring efficient utilization of resources.

Rolling Updates and Rollbacks

Kubernetes simplifies the process of deploying new versions of your applications. It supports rolling updates, allowing us to update containers one by one without any downtime. Additionally, if an update causes issues, Kubernetes enables us to rollback to the previous version effortlessly.

Ecosystem and Community Support

Kubernetes has a vibrant ecosystem with a wide range of tools, plugins, and integrations available. It is backed by a strong community of contributors and has extensive documentation, making it easier to adopt and learn.

Cloud-Native, Hybrid Cloud Support and Cloud Agnostic

Kubernetes is widely adopted by several cloud providers, making it a suitable choice for building cloud-native applications, while also preventing any vendor lock-in by being cloud agnostic. Migrating from one cloud to another is straightforward and seamless when using Kubernetes. It also supports hybrid cloud deployments, enabling us to run applications across on-premises and cloud environments seamlessly.

DevOps Enablement

Kubernetes promotes DevOps principles by allowing developers and operations teams to collaborate more effectively. It provides a standardized and declarative approach to defining infrastructure, enabling teams to automate application deployments and streamline the development process.